Saturday 3 June 2023

The Grotto and the start of the iconic Gibb River Road!

After a leisurely start to our day, we headed off to ‘The Grotto’ (back down along the Great Northern Hwy). The Grotto is a beautiful waterhole, over 100 metres deep! We climbed the 150 steep stairs down to the bottom of the gorge and then swam in the cool, clear water – a beautiful experience.

It was then back on the road and the anticipation was building … we were about to turn right onto the famous Gibb River Road! We pulled in under the rather depilated sign and took about 50 photos! We even got the ladder off the front of the BT to enable us to climb up onto the sign platform for the iconic photo. We had fun and Sippy was smiling. It was 20 years in the planning, and he had made it!

Back into the car and along the Gibb for a few km’s (at this stage bitumen) until we turned off for El Questro Station. Once again we had hit the dirt. The 16kms along the El Questro driveway was a bumpy and corrugated ride with numerous water crossings about 40 - 50cm  – but we made it in and celebrated with a woo hoo! We now have 7 days of relaxation and exploration of the gorgeous waterholes in the area.

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