Sunday 25 June 2023

Derby and Bucket List 'Horizontal Falls'!


We arrived in Derby at lunch time, venturing straight to the caravan park. We were happy to have made it as our big, anticipated trip to the Horizontal Falls was tomorrow! After being informed during the check-in to lock absolutely everything up and to park our car across the caravan door of an evening, we were then greeted by our new neighbours as we set up and informed of yesterdays brazen 7:30am break-ins to the vans parked next to us. We became a bit nervy as to what the next few days would bring. But the lovely neighbours put on scones, jam and cream for those camped near us, and we scored an invite!

Everyone was very lovely and supportive of each other by looking out for people’s cars and vans as they all headed out to the falls.

The next day arrived and we boarded the bus transfer at 1:45pm to be driven to the nearby airport. After the safety briefing and mandatory weigh in (bit nervy as we had no idea as to our weight after 3 months of happy hours and scones the previous day!) – we got the green light (Sippy having lost 5 kilos since April!!!) and boarded the little sea plane with four others.

We took off in perfect conditions, flying low over the Derby tidal mud flats and out across the Buccaneer Archipelago. The turquoise waters glistened in the sun and we marvelled at the colours and wonders below. We made a seamless landing into Talbot Bay and were warmly welcomed by the staff and shown to our rooms.

It was then onto the boat for our first trip out on the waters of Talbot Bay and through the Horizontal Falls. Although the tides were not massive (just happened to be when we came off the Gibb), we still were in awe of the fast-flowing water and got an appreciation of the monstrous tides that rush through the small gaps created by erosion over millions of years. We made several passes through the falls and then went for a relaxing cruise into Cyclone Bay, named after the safe seclusion it provides for boats during the cyclone season. The rock formations were beautiful and again we were in awe as we witnessed the evolution of this amazing land Australia.

Back on the boat we were treated to a shark feeding session, with Sippy and I taking the opportunity to swim in the cage next to them – more to say that we swam in the Buccaneer Archipelago waters rather than swimming with the sharks.

We then enjoyed a beautiful sunset while sipping Rose and a lovely dinner under the stars while enjoying the company of two Broome locals, one a detective who had many interesting stories to share. We out stayed everyone, so really got to enjoy the serenity of Talbot Bay while watching the reef sharks chase fish under the spotlights on the turquoise water. Divine.

The next morning was an early 6am start for a home cooked breakfast, then back on the boats for another tour of the falls. We were then blessed to see Jen arrive as we departed – managing a quick hug and a ‘see you tomorrow’ in Broome!!!

The flight back, I managed to nab the co-pilots seat and happily chatted to the ex-Qantas pilot as we manoeuvred across King Sound and landed safely back in Derby. An unforgettable experience.

We arrived back at the caravan park, with all untouched, but unfortunately heard that the park on the other side of Derby had experienced break-ins during the night, with 6 vans broken into. Very sad for the owners, who are trying so hard to make their parks welcoming and safe for visitors.

The next day we spent the afternoon touring Derby. The town was very tidy and we found the locals very friendly. We watched the amazing tide flow through the jetty at 2pm, while the locals fished and then returned for sunset at 5pm to see that it had risen by several meters! We visited the beautiful Boab dinner tree, the centenary tiled art work at the pavilion and the sunset murals. We then stocked up on groceries at the local Woolworths and returned to our caravan park in time for the 8pm gate lock up.

As we departed the next morning, we dropped by the Prison Boab tree and the Myalls Bore with the longest cattle watering trough. Overall we really enjoyed our Derby experience. Broome here we come!

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