Friday 14 July 2023

Port Hedland - The industrial town of Iron Ore and Salt

After umming and arring about whether to venture into Port Hedland, we decided to stay one night at the racecourse free camp in town, and so booked a twilight industry tour for the afternoon. We are so glad we did -what an interesting place!

We walked by the port and watched the enormous ships being guided into the docks by the little tugs. We also viewed the Rio Tinto Salt Mine and wowed at the grader on top of the enormous mound of salt as it spread it evenly – seemed a rather dangerous job.

The industry tour took us around Port Hedland showing the workings of the iron ore industry. We went out to Finucane Island, where BHP have their loading dock and past FMG (Twiggy Forrest) and Roy Hill (Gina Reinhart’s) operations. Such an eye opener! We had no idea of the magnitude of the iron ore industry happening at Port Hedland. We watched as the 2km long trains, pulled by two massive locomotives, lugged 136 carts x 2, of iron ore, with each cart weighing over 80 tonnes, down to the docks. The carts were then tipped, 3 at a time, onto conveyor belts, which travelled up to the ship, with the whole process fully automated from Perth! Incredible.

We certainly could have spent another day or two in town, doing the Sea Farers and Salt-mine tour, the later being booked out for over a week! Next time.

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