Sunday 2 July 2023

Broome and the Big Birthday

From Derby we headed south until we joined the Great Northern Highway for the final journey west to Broome. We crossed the Willare Bridge, which survived the latest big wet season (as opposed to the Fitzroy Crossing) and again we commented on the amount of debris, including very large uprooted trees, that was high up on the banks – indicating how high the water rose and the force with which it travelled.

First stop was the Broome Caravan Park, to unhitch and set up. Although not our first choice as situated 7kms from Cable Beach, this was the only park Sippy could get a week’s accommodation, even though he booked over 6 months ago. Broome is a popular place.

Next stop was Chinatown, to locate Jen and head for lunch. We celebrated with Jen over barramundi and chips washed down with a Corona. We then had a stroll through Chinatown which was buzzing with cafes, pearl boutiques and history, before heading back to the park to set up Jen’s little hiking tent. We set up just in time before the unseasonal rain started. Luckily it wasn’t too heavy and it was the only rain we had experienced in 3 months– but little did we realise the havoc it was going to create days later, resulting in both the Gibb River Road and the Fitzroy Crossing being closed (the Gibb for several weeks). How lucky were we to have completed this part of our journey. We felt very sorry for many travellers who had to re-work all their plans and for some who then had to cancel their trip across the Gibb completely.

Day 2 we headed back to Chinatown to the visitor’s centre and some birthday shopping at the local Rip Curl for Sippy. We also toured around the Port, taking photos of the beautiful coloured rocks. We finished a lovely day with a dip in the Indian Ocean at Cable Beach, 22kms of pristine white sand and tropical water – well Cath and Jen did, with Sippy supporting from the sand (whimp – too cold he said). It was 28 degrees …

Day 3 and we were up early to drop the Landcruiser into Broome Toyota for a service. Sippy had booked this from Sydney in anticipation after the Gibb. All was fine with just required replacements of the air filter for both the car and the air conditioner. Lovely to have cold air again! Whilst the car was in for service we had a lovely breakfast in Chinatown and we may also have wandered into a pearl boutique or two and come away with an early birthday present for me (some beautiful pearl earrings).

Day 4 we visited Gantheume Point which features amazing rock formations and is home to some of Broome’s famous dinosaur footprints. The tide was too high for us to see any of the prints, but we had a lovely time walking around the rocks, climbing into nooks and crannies for photographs and watching the sea birds glide effortlessly over the blue sea. We then paid a visit to the Moontide Distillery for a gin tasting paddle, coming away with a bottle of their unique Bitters.

Before we knew it, it was time to met up with Sue and Scotti, who had flown in that afternoon from Sydney. After hugs and smiles all round, we settled in for a lovely dinner at Zappers at Cable Beach and watched the sun set into the ocean as we shared stories of our last 3 months of travel.

Day 5 after flagging a sewerage problem with the facilities at the Broome Caravan Park, resulted in us visiting a few of the other parks to see if there was any room closer to Cable Beach. Luck was on our side and we managed to secure a site at Cable Beach Caravan Park, so a sudden pack up and move followed. We still managed to make it for lunch at Matso’s Brewery, where a paddle of beers was sampled, and then it was back to Cable Beach ready for our camel ride!

We all enjoyed an hour’s ride on the Red Sun Camels along the shores of the beach while the sun set. We then rolled on to drinks and dinner at the Sunset Bar.

Day 6 and Happy 60th Birthday to Sippy!!! The day was filled with fun and laughter and included markets, coffee with bacon, egg and hash brown burgers, scootering around on Beams down to Town Beach for awesome craft ice cream, beers and cocktails at the Spinifex Hotel, pre-dinner drinks and appetisers at Sunset bar, as we watched the sun dip into the ocean over Cable Beach, and finally dinner at the Bali Hai Resort restaurant. A big shout out to Scotti, Suz and Jen for making the journey to Broome for the celebration!! It was so lovely to see some family and friends after 3 months on the road which made Sippy’s day extra special.

Day 7 we headed to Willi Creek Pearl Farm for the highly recommended pearl tour. The drive in was along a very muddy, red dirt road, thanks to the recent rain, but chicken feed really after the Gibb. The pearl tour was great, very informative, but our boat tour was not quite the calm, idyllic, event we were hoping for. The weather was rather cloudy and the wind rather cool – but nevertheless we really enjoyed the morning, particularly the homemade damper – Sippy managed 5!

We said farewell to Scotti and Sue after a lovely relaxing dinner at the Sunset Bar, wishing them a great trip as they headed to Perth and we continued our journey up to the Dampier Peninsula.

We loved spending time in Broome. Lots to see and do and a great place to celebrate such a special birthday.


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